Vigor Segments
Discover the UK population
Wellbeing Warriors
This segment is the healthiest segment in the UK, boasting an overall Total Health Score of 186. Both in terms of general health and diet, they are very advanced relative to the UK population. A massive contributing factor to their good health and wellbeing is the exercise/diet luxuries that their wealth affords them.
Hedged Hedonists
This small segment is formed of individuals who tend to be religious gym goers during the week, but have a blow-out drinking session on the weekend. In the main, they are a bit younger, very active, and have a lax approach to diet.
Lacklustre Veggies
This group has the best diet of all segments. They enjoy fruit and veg in large quantities. They are quite active, but many would benefit from upping their physical activity levels to complement their nutrition values.
Weary & Wishful
This segment struggles with motivation but aspire to improve themselves. Many are looking at the stars from the comfort of their sofas. In terms of their current activity levels, there is not much.
Mature & Merry
Mature & Merry are the second happiest group. They have an excellent diet and keep a good routine of exercise. This group tends to represent those on the older side, but this does not stop them from being a merry bunch.
Sorted Swimmers
Sorted Swimmers have a penchant for swimming, a happy outlook and have a very good diet. Not striving for elite athleticism, Sorted Swimmers tend to be happy with their mid range level of activity.
Boozing Buddies
These are the booziest of the bunch. They tend not to be massively fussed about exercise, especially when there are fun times to be had; their diet is similar to the UK average.
Time Poor
Time waits for no one, especially not this lot. This segment suffers from a lack of time and consequently struggle to fit in physical activity and health diet planning around their schedules.
Cheerless Carnivores
Many Cheerless Carnivores are eating meat to ease the pain, as they are the least happy segment.
Down But Not Out
Down but not out are very low down the pecking order for health and wellbeing. Despite this, many are not resigned to a fate of unhealthy living. There are pockets of people with the desire to make lifestyle changes.