Sorted Swimmers






Many in this segment can lay a claim to having a good diet. Being the second most inclined segment to snack on fruit and veg, they stoically avoid the temptation of takeaways and ready meals. Levels of drinking among this segment are relatively low. They are unlikely to desire to improve their health nutrition, perhaps because this is already at a very high level.

Collectively, they have a positive attitude towards trying new things. They are the most likely segment to try new healthy foods and are also predisposed towards giving a new skin care product a go. Their positive attitude is linked to a general sense of optimistic happiness which is evident for this group. Roughly a quarter rate themselves as quite attractive and they are the second most likely not to want to change anything about themselves.


This group tend not to be smashing the gym six days a week like the Wellbeing Warriors. They are often satisfied with their current level of activity and are more likely to use exercise in moderation as a tool to keep them healthy, rather than training for a specific sport or a particular athletic focus. They are overrepresented by swimmers; it is likely they favour this activity because it is more forgiving on the joints.

Demographically, Sorted Swimmers are the oldest segment. Many have managed to forge a contented lifestyle in retirement based on light exercise, like swimming and a health-focused diet.