How was Vigor developed?

Vigor was developed with the aim of understanding current and potential future behaviours in health and wellbeing of the UK population, based on their postcode. In order to do this we carried out a large survey to sample the UK, asking questions specifically designed to give insightful meaning about the whole population, with health and wellbeing at the forefront.

From the results, Vigor used statistical clustering analysis to form 18 segments, each describing their behaviours regarding health and wellbeing.

Vigor provides an accessible way to understand how people interact with their current and future health, physical activity, eating habits and body maintenance.


What did we find?

Several expected findings emerged following the analysis on the sample of the UK population. However, some interesting trends really stood out as being unexpected regarding people’s health and wellbeing.


A surprising statistic that we found from the sample taken was that some of the healthiest segments had a tendency to eat ready meals - usually having high salt content, but still remained the least likely to be overweight.


You may have thought that the unhealthier segments generally did want to improve their current behaviours. However, it was more the healthier segments that wanted to extend their behaviours of healthy living.


Clearly living such an unhealthy lifestyle has its implications, with the unhealthier groups more prone to having a disability, ranging from type 2 diabetes to hearing impairments.


Perhaps the least surprising of them all is that the unhealthier segments had more smokers and exercised a significant amount less than some of the top segments.


The bespoke nature of the sample that was used to develop Vigor allows your organisation to gain further insight from your customer base. Find out valuable information that your existing database is unable to tell you.


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