Mature & Merry






Mature & Merry’s good health is showcased by the fact that they are the second most likely group to exercise every day, and unlikely to be overweight. They have a strong immune system, very rarely coming down with a cold.

They have a good diet. They are one of the most likely segments to be vegetarian, although this only applies to roughly 10% of the group. They feel they have enough time to prepare healthy food, and are not too fond of takeaways and ready meals. Consistent with this, they are the most likely segment to follow a low-fat diet.

This segment has an older age profile relative to the others, and this is reflected in their current physical activity and attitudes towards new trends. They are more likely to have Type 2 diabetes and hearing impairments compared with other segments.


Approximately 75% state walking as their main physical activity. This preference far outstrips their tendency to engage in team sports, going to the gym or running, and is suggestive of their mature age over-representation. Of all segments these lot are unlikely to spend significant sums on exercise, which fits in with their activity preference. Their motivation for physical activity gravitates towards necessity as opposed to aspects like physical appearance.

This segment prefers the natural look. They are not too impressed by skincare products, which is perhaps an indication of their generational preference. The majority do not use such products often and are unlikely to try new ones. As you might expect, there is very little interest in cosmetic surgery or procedures like Botox. Many have achieved a level of contentment that has translated into high levels of happiness.